Q:Can I add multiple new pages to 3D flash book?
In some situation, you may need to insert a new page to the existing PDF flipbook, but how? Check the answer below.
1. Use edit page function:
Launch the “Edit Pages” function of the 3D PageFlip Professional, and then you can see the page preview to the left of the interface.
2. Add pages:
Click the “add page” button to pop up the insert pages dialog box. You can choose “SWF/image”, “PDF” or a “blank” page to insert. If you are using images, we recommend you to use the same aspect ratio with the other pages. If you chose “PDF”, you can import a new PDF book, and this is the other way to merge two PDF to one page turning book.
3. Save and exit:
After finish editing, click the red “X” button at top right to save and exit the editor.